Do Spiders Eat Mealworms?

Do Spiders Eat Mealworms?

When talking about spiders, a common question arises: Do spiders eat mealworms? This inquiry is not just a matter of curiosity but holds significant importance for spider enthusiasts and pet owners. Understanding a spider’s dietary preferences and nutritional needs is crucial for their proper care and well-being. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll unravel the dietary habits of spiders, with a focus on mealworms, and provide insights that cater to both the novice arachnid admirer and the seasoned spider expert.

Yes, spiders, especially pet varieties like tarantulas and jumping spiders, do eat mealworms. These insects serve as a nutritious part of their diet. Spiders will consume mealworms at various stages of their development, including larvae and beetles. For a diverse diet, spiders can also be fed waxworms, the occasional hatched moth, and sometimes even pupae. It’s important to note that the size and type of the prey should be appropriate for the spider species, ensuring a safe and healthy feeding experience.

Dietary Habits of Spiders

Dietary Habits of Spiders

Spiders, known for their diverse and intriguing feeding habits, primarily consume a diet of insects and other small arthropods. This carnivorous nature is a cornerstone of their survival strategy in the wild. Spiders in their natural habitat exhibit a remarkable adaptability in their food choices, often capturing whatever prey is available in their environment. This can range from flies, beetles, grasshoppers, and moths to other small crawling critters. The diet of a spider is not just about sustenance but also about the strategic use of their webs and hunting skills.

Specifics on Jumping Spiders and Their Diet Preferences

Jumping spiders, a particularly captivating genus of spiders, exhibit unique dietary preferences. These agile hunters are known for their exceptional vision and hunting tactics, which play a significant role in their feeding behavior. Jumping spiders typically prey on smaller insects, with their diet often including a variety of flies, crickets, and, yes, mealworms.

The inclusion of mealworms in their diet is particularly interesting. These larvae of the darkling beetle are not just readily available but also offer a substantial nutritional value. High in protein and fat, mealworms can be a beneficial addition to a jumping spider’s diet, provided they are fed in moderation. It’s important to note that while mealworms are nutritious, they should not constitute the entirety of the spider’s diet. A balanced diet, comprising a variety of insects, is essential for the health and well-being of jumping spiders.

In the next sections, we will delve deeper into the role of mealworms in a spider’s diet, how to properly feed them to different spider species, and the benefits and risks associated with this type of feeding. Stay tuned as we explore these aspects in detail, providing practical advice and actionable insights for spider care.

Mealworms as a Spider Diet Component

Mealworms, often a topic of intrigue, are not actually worms but the larval form of the darkling beetle. These larvae undergo a metamorphosis, eventually transforming into adult beetles. In their larval stage, mealworms are characterized by their elongated, segmented bodies and are commonly found in areas with decaying matter, their primary food source. This makes them not only prevalent in nature but also easily cultivable for pet food.

Nutritional Value of Mealworms for Spiders

Turning our attention to the nutritional aspect, mealworms are a powerhouse of nutrients, which is why they are often considered in the diet of captive spiders. Mealworms are rich in protein and fat, essential components for the growth and development of spiders. The high protein content aids in muscle and tissue development, while the fat provides a concentrated energy source. However, it’s crucial to balance these high-fat levels with other dietary items to prevent health issues like obesity in spiders.

Feeding Mealworms to Different Spider Species

Jumping Spider

Jumping Spiders and Mealworms

Jumping spiders, with their unique dietary preferences, can indeed benefit from the inclusion of mealworms in their diet. These spiders are also adept hunters, mealworms can be a suitable and nutritious prey item for them. The key is moderation and ensuring the mealworms are appropriately sized for the spider. For smaller or younger jumping spiders, mealworms may need to be cut into smaller pieces or even pre-killed to facilitate easier consumption.

Tarantulas and Mealworms

When it comes to tarantulas, another popular pet spider, the approach to feeding mealworms is slightly different. Tarantulas can consume mealworms as part of a varied diet. The size of the mealworm should be appropriate for the size of the tarantula, with larger species being able to handle full-sized mealworms. It’s important to note that mealworms, if not eaten quickly, can burrow into the substrate of the enclosure, potentially causing stress or harm to the tarantula. Therefore, monitoring the feeding process is crucial.

In the following sections, we will explore the benefits and potential risks of feeding mealworms to spiders, along with practical advice on how to safely incorporate mealworms into their diet. This information will be invaluable for ensuring the health and longevity of your arachnid companions.

How to Feed Mealworms to Spiders

How to Feed Mealworms to Spiders

The process of preparing mealworms for spider consumption is a critical aspect of their diet management. The preparation of mealworms involves a few key steps to ensure they are safe and suitable for spiders. Firstly, sourcing mealworms from reliable suppliers is important to ensure they are free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Once obtained, mealworms should be kept in a clean, dry environment, ideally in a substrate like bran or oatmeal, which also serves as their food.

For feeding, mealworms should be appropriately sized for the spider. Larger spiders can handle full-sized mealworms, while smaller spiders may require the mealworms to be cut into smaller, manageable pieces. In some cases, particularly for smaller or juvenile spiders, it may be necessary to crush the mealworms’ heads to prevent them from burrowing or causing harm to the spider.

Frequency and Quantity of Mealworms in a Spider’s Diet

The frequency and quantity of mealworms in a spider’s diet are crucial factors for their health. Mealworms should not be the sole component of a spider’s diet but rather a part of a varied diet. The frequency of feeding mealworms can vary depending on the species of spider, but a general guideline is to offer mealworms once or twice a week as part of a mixed diet.

The quantity of mealworms to be fed at each feeding session should be moderated. Overfeeding can lead to health issues such as obesity, especially due to the high-fat content in mealworms. Observing the spider’s eating habits and adjusting the diet accordingly is key to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Benefits and Risks of Feeding Mealworms

Mealworms, when included as part of a balanced diet, offer several health benefits for spiders. The high protein content in mealworms is essential for the growth, development, and repair of body tissues in spiders. The fat content, while needing moderation, provides a concentrated energy source that is beneficial, especially for active spider species.

Potential Risks and How to Mitigate Them

However, there are potential risks associated with feeding mealworms to spiders. One of the primary concerns is the risk of obesity and nutritional imbalance due to the high fat content in mealworms. To mitigate these risks, it’s important to feed mealworms in moderation and as part of a diet that includes other insects with different nutritional profiles.

Another risk involves the physical harm that mealworms can cause to spiders, especially during the molting phase when spiders are vulnerable. Mealworms have the capability to burrow and can potentially harm a molting spider. To prevent this, it’s advisable to remove uneaten mealworms promptly and to supervise feeding sessions.

While mealworms can be a nutritious addition to a spider’s diet, they should be fed with care, considering the species-specific needs and health implications. The next sections will delve into more practical advice and insights for spider care, ensuring your arachnid friends thrive under your care.

Alternatives to Mealworms

Alternatives to Mealworms

While mealworms are a popular choice for feeding spiders, it’s important to provide a varied diet to ensure nutritional balance. Several other food items can be included in a spider’s diet. These include:

  • Crickets: A staple in many spider diets, crickets are rich in protein and relatively easy to procure.
  • Fruit Flies: Ideal for smaller or juvenile spiders, fruit flies are an excellent source of nutrients.
  • Roaches: Dubia roaches and other small roach species are nutritious and can be a good alternative for larger spiders.
  • Waxworms: These are high in fat and should be fed sparingly, but they can be a good treat for spiders.

Offering a variety of these food items can help ensure that spiders receive a well-rounded diet, catering to their specific nutritional needs.

Comparing Nutritional Values of Different Prey Items

Different prey items offer varying nutritional profiles, which is crucial to consider when planning a spider’s diet. For instance, crickets are a good source of protein but lower in fat compared to mealworms, making them a suitable staple. Roaches, on the other hand, offer a balance of protein and fat and can be particularly beneficial for larger spider species. Understanding these nutritional differences is key to providing a diet that supports the health and longevity of spiders.

Common Mistakes in Spider Feeding

Several common mistakes in spider feeding that can adversely affect their health:

  • Overfeeding: Providing too much food can lead to obesity and health issues in spiders.
  • Monotonous Diet: Relying on a single type of prey item can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Improper Prey Size: Offering prey that is too large can pose a risk, especially to smaller or juvenile spiders.
  • Neglecting Hydration: While spiders get most of their moisture from their prey, some species may require occasional access to water.

Avoiding these mistakes is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of pet spiders.

jumping spider on grass


In summary, while mealworms can be a nutritious part of a spider’s diet, they should be fed in moderation and as part of a diverse diet. Alternatives like crickets, fruit flies, roaches, and waxworms can provide the necessary variety and nutritional balance. It’s important to avoid common feeding mistakes such as overfeeding and providing a monotonous diet. Understanding the specific dietary needs of your spider species is key to ensuring their health and well-being. With the right care and nutrition, spiders can thrive in captivity, offering a unique and fascinating experience to their caretakers.


Will House Spiders Eat Mealworms?

Yes, many house spiders will eat mealworms. Mealworms can be a suitable food source for them, especially if the mealworms are appropriately sized for the spider. However, it’s important to note that wild-caught house spiders may need time to adjust to a diet that includes mealworms if they are not used to them.

Will a Jumping Spider Eat a Dried Mealworm?

Jumping spiders may eat dried mealworms, but they generally prefer live prey due to their hunting instincts. Live mealworms stimulate the spider’s natural predatory behaviors. If using dried mealworms, it’s advisable to rehydrate them to make them more palatable and easier to digest.

What Preys on Mealworms?

Mealworms are preyed upon by a variety of animals, including birds, rodents, lizards, and certain insect species. In captivity, they are commonly used as food for pet spiders, reptiles, and amphibians due to their high protein content.

Who Eats Mealworms?

Mealworms are consumed by various animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals. They are also a popular food choice for pet arachnids and insects. Additionally, mealworms are gaining attention as a sustainable protein source for human consumption in some parts of the world.

How Should Mealworms Be Stored for Spider Feeding?

Mealworms should be stored in a cool, dry place in a container with a substrate like bran or oatmeal, which serves as their food. If kept in the refrigerator, their metabolism slows down, prolonging their lifespan. It’s important to keep the container clean and remove any dead mealworms regularly.

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